Our Team
Tommy Vo, Ph.D
Principal investigator votommyv@msu.edu
Project: Epigenetics under normal, stressed, and aging conditions.
Sohini Basu, Ph.D
Research Associate basusohi@msu.edu
Project: Epigenetic basis of stress responses and aging.
Mamta Nirmal, M.S
Graduate (GGS) nirmalma@msu.edu
Project: Molecular regulation of heterochromatin.
Maya Pearce
Undergraduate (BMB) pearcem6@msu.edu
Project: Application of CRISPR technology in S. pombe.
Josh Helgeson
Undergraduate (BMB) helgeso4@msu.edu
Hannah Rebenstock
Undergraduate (BMB) rebenst1@msu.edu
Project: Genetic investigation of RNA polymerase II roles in epigenetic gene regulation.
Jared Finkel
Undergraduate (BMB) finkelja@msu.edu
Project: Development of S. pombe as a yeast model of aging.